Pastor John

Update from Pastor John & Robin

To our beloved CCMV family, 

We have only begun the start of what will be many weeks of radical changes in all of our lives – none of us could have imagined that schools, restaurants, and our very church would be temporarily needing to close down! Robin and I already miss all of you so much, and can’t wait until we’re able to gather together again.

During this time of social distancing and self-isolation, I wanted to take this opportunity to remind you to stay connected!

  1. First, and most importantly, stay connected with Lord! It can be so easy to get distracted by everything going on - the non-stop news and constant changes being reported, etc.

  2. Secondly, stay as connected as possible with your church family! Though we can’t meet together physically right now, oh, how we need each other – and during times like these, more than ever! Make phone calls, send texts! If you’re on social media, make sure you’re reaching out to those who need to know you’re thinking of them and praying for them!

  3. And lastly, be sure to join us for church services! No, we can’t be together in person, but thanks to technology, our hearts can be joined together as we all tune in for online services!


Tomorrow night is our first mid-week online service – we so hope you’ll join us! The entire worship service and study will be aired, and tomorrow night, the 3rd  Wednesday of the month, we’ll also be sharing together in communion. What a great opportunity to worship as a family, to make plans to join in taking communion together with your family in Christ at home!

We can each get a small plate of broken bread or crackers prepared, along with some juice (or even water!), and share in the celebration of what Jesus Christ accomplished for us with His death on the cross! It’s in His power that we’ll continue to face the challenges of this current time with peace and grace, reaching out to encourage those He places in our path!


“…Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10b Indeed, He will be all that we need! We can face each new day and every challenge in His all-sufficient strength!


Sending much love in Christ and asking for His blessing and protection upon each one of you,

Pastor John & Robin