Important Update from pastor john

My Brothers and Sisters of Calvary Chapel Moreno Valley:

This is obviously a difficult time for each of us; for all of us in the County of Riverside, throughout the United States, and of course, internationally throughout the world.

I’d like to take this opportunity to bring you all up to date.

  • President Trump has declared that the Covid-19 Virus Pandemic be a National Emergency. Along with this, the Riverside County Health Officer has ordered that there are to be no gatherings of 250 or more in the County of Riverside until April 30. He has also ordered the closing down all Riverside County Schools until April 6. The purpose of this social distancing is to keep the transmission of the virus from spiking and spreading rapidly.

  •  In light of these mandates and the danger of the Covid-19 Virus, we have moved our Sunday morning and Wednesday night services to online. We also have prayerfully decided that our Women’s Monday night and Tuesday morning studies will be postponed until further notice, as well. If you registered and paid for the study book for the new Bible study that was set to begin this week, you can leave your payment with the office and pick up your book when that study resumes in the fall. Otherwise, please feel free to contact the church office for a refund. 

  • ·We as well have cancelled our convalescent ministry for now.

  • Because this virus is known to spread so rapidly, and with the knowledge that people with absolutely no symptoms can be spreading it, we have a great concern for our older population. People 60 and older are among those in the highest risk group, along with those whose health is compromised with lung and breathing issues, diabetes, and heart problems; in light of these concerns, we’ll be cancelling all our on-site services, including Sunday night prayer, until that April 6 resumption date that has been set for the schools. We will revisit our plans as we move into the month of April.

Our greatest desire is that everyone remain healthy – if you fall into one of the high risk categories, we recommend that you practice self-quarantine to the best of your ability. This will be just a short time of inconvenience that will bear many benefits – please remember that!  (And let’s all make sure we are continually washing our hands for the 20 seconds recommended!) 

  • We want to encourage you to meet together in homes to watch the service and then spend some time discussing the message. Also, let’s take care of our senior citizens! Keep in touch with them, let’s see how we might assist them, whether by running errands, picking up medications, doing yardwork or whatever else they may need help with. 

  • Stay connected, as we will be giving updates along the way. I will be giving my personal online update on Thursdays. Be watching for other online “visits of encouragement” – they’ll be coming your way, as well! 

On one other note, we realize some of you will be financially impacted by this unprecedented health crisis – you may be among those who lose some of your income, stay home with children or loss of a job. Please know that we will be praying for you.

  • For those of you who will not be impacted financially during this crisis, please remember us with the giving of your tithe and offerings online.

  • Visit to set up your account and use our online giving platform

Please know that we are not responding to the virus out of fear, but out of faith, trusting that our Lord is leading us, and will continue to do so, as He directs us in the days to come.

Love you all,
Pastor John