Covid-19 Update

Dear Family of Calvary Chapel Moreno Valley,

I want to take a few minutes to speak to some of the concerns that have been caused by the outbreak of Covid-19.  But before I do I want us all to be reminded that our God is on His throne and even though this outbreak has sent the entire world into confusion and dismay, our God is still in control. Just remember that He will keep you in His perfect peace as your mind is fixed upon Him. Let’s stay focused on Jesus as we all journey through trial of the Covid-19 outbreak.

Without question this is Covid-19 problem has been the topic of virtually everyone’s conversation, as we have heard from the CDC, the President’s recent address from the Oval Office, and the California Department of Public Health. 

Today we have received an order directly from the Riverside County Public Health System that all gatherings of 250 or more are to be cancelled. So with that in mind we are moving our Sunday and Wednesday services online for the foreseeable future beginning this Sunday, March 15th. 

We are so thankful for the technology that allows us to practice the needed social distancing that is being recommended, yet we will by no means be practicing spiritual distancing as a church family.

We are not cancelling out of fear but in support of our local and state leaders who are working tirelessly to stem this outbreak. 

As the pastor Calvary Chapel Moreno Valley, it is my utmost desire to continue to care for your spiritual and personal welfare.  Through technology we will still be able to gather together, worship together, and open God’s word together on Sunday mornings at 7:45, 9:45, & 11:45am as well as on Wednesday night at 7:00pm.

Additionally, let us continue to put our faith in the Lord, to pray for one another, and to look for opportunities to share the love of Jesus.  Always remember, God is on the throne!

I love you all!
Pastor John